Another short and sweet story unfolds, intricately weaving a captivating science fiction narrative infused with a delightful twist of futuristic fantasy. This tale forms a narrative with a delicate balance, creating a world rich with possibilities and unexpected surprises. The story delves into unique complexities, exploring themes of identity, innovation, and the age-old struggle between science and mystery. A mystery begins to unravel that threatens to disrupt the harmony of society, external adversaries must be confronted, and beliefs about the nature of power and the potential consequences of wielding it must be addressed. With each twist and turn, the narrative reveals how the intertwining of technology and unforeseen dangers. Ultimately, this short yet impactful story captivates the imagination, inviting readers to ponder the endless possibilities that arise when the realms of science fiction and fantasy collide, leaving them eager for more adventures in this curious series.
The Review
“Office Hours” is a short story following scientist Franklin Nod who after being promoted from lead researcher to an administrator is less than enthusiastic about not only his job but also life in general. This story is part of a series but I felt like it could definitely be read as a standalone with full understanding. For a short story it had quite a few interesting quirks by way of characters, plot, and ending.
Overall Rating: 3 / 5 Stars
Finished Reading On: September 24, 2024
Book Information
Author Name: Michael Shotter
Publisher Name: Independently Published
Published Date: July 2, 2024
Final Thoughts
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